Store/The Healthy Soap Chef RangeChaga Shungite Midnight Rose$9.95Sold outPrice incl. GST (10%) $0.90Soap LiftVintage White (+$2.95)Organic Cream (+$2.95)No ThanksProduct DetailsMidnight Rose Ingredients: Almond, Castor, Coconut, Olive & Rice Bran oils. Bamboo SilicaRosewater. Essential Oils: Geranium, Frankincense, Sweet Orange, Rose de Mai & Ylang Ylang.Individual Soap Bar weighs between 130-140gr Extra Comments: SHUNGITE - From Russia with Love This unique carbon-dense mineral deposit is only found in North Eastern Europe Why Shungite is the mineral for our times:- - Cleansing, calming, soothing and nourishing - Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory - Removes 97% of bacteria from the skin - Helps kill germs and viruses - Helps heal redness, rashes, acne - Protects against EMF radiation (i.e. wi-fi and cell phones) Show MoreSave this product for later Favourite Favourited View FavouritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itChaga Shungite Midnight RoseYou May Also LikeLonger Soap Life HolderLonger Soap Life Holder$5.90 Buy Now